Who is Gianmaria
Gianmaria, native of Bertinoro in the province of Forlì-Cesena in Emilia Romagna, is a 30-year-old who has always been passionate about hiking, traveling, cooking, climbing and football. He enjoys spending time outdoors and visiting extreme places, especially cold ones like the Alps, Iceland or Norway.
Education and Career
Gianmaria completed his secondary education at a scientific high school with a bilingual program, obtaining English and French language certifications. He went on to earn a Bachelor and a Master degree in Engineering Physics at the Politecnico di Milano, during which he also spent a semester at the Technische Universiteit Delft in the Netherlands.
After completing his studies, he pursued a Ph.D. in Physics in Milan, specializing in microscopy, which he completed with honors after four years. During his Ph.D., he spent a semester as an Affiliate at Lawrence National Laboratories in Berkeley, California, in 2019. He also spent two post-doctoral years in Milan for the European research project "PROCHIP."
Growth Opportunities
Gianmaria has gained extensive experience, including attending the "Industrial Problem Solving in Physics" (IPSP) Summer school at the University of Trento and winning the "Switch2Product" competition in Milan in 2022, which aims to accelerate the technological and market validation of projects to create start-ups.
Role in Wave
Gianmaria started collaborating with Wave in October 2022 and has been a full-time Optical Specialist since January 2023. In this role, he oversees the entire optical part of Wave's products.
Thank you Gianmaria!